How do I get to the Canvas?  Can I get bus tokens?
We're right across Snelling Ave. from Hamline University.  The 84 bus goes right by, and the 67 goes very close.  We also have a big parking lot, if you drive.  In terms of bus tokens/tickets, some of our programs do provide rides, and some don't.  Get in touch with us about a specific workshop or event to find out.

Do I have to register or pay anything to participate?
Everything we've done so far has been free.  There may be small fees for some future workshops, but as of right now, it's all free.  Because we're part of Saint Paul Parks & Rec, we do register all participants, but it's a simple two-page form asking for just basic contact info so we can keep track of our numbers.  Almost all programs you can just show up to out of the blue, though there will be a few that are capped in terms of numbers (it'll say so in the program description if this is the case).  You can also email canvas651@gmail.com ahead of time to secure a seat in any program.

Can I just come and hang out and not take any classes or workshops?
YES.  The Canvas offers workshops and programs, but it's also just an open space to hang out, even if you're not an artist.  We're also a functioning rec center, so there are open gym times, basketball leagues, ping-pong, foosball and stuff like that too.

How can I start my own club, group or workshop?
YES.  This is something we're very excited about.  If you have an idea for a club, workshop or event, just email us at canvas651@gmail.com with your idea.  Then we'll schedule a time to sit down and talk about how we can make it happen; we'll share some tips on how you can effectively organize, promote and run your program.

Can I use the dance studio?
YES.  We have a nice dance room that doesn't get used as much as it should.  If you're a teen with a dance group that needs a practice space, or just a teen dancer who wants to move, stop in and use it.  You can also contact us ahead-of-time to formally reserve the space too, if you want.

Can I exhibit my visual art in your art gallery?
YES.  Just not yet.  We're currently building our art gallery space.  We will be accepting art submissions soon, though, so stay tuned.

What is this Teen Leadership Council thing?
The Canvas was started and developed by teens, and teen leadership is something we take seriously.  Every week (or every other week, depending on the time of year), the Teen Leadership Council meets to talk about what workshops we should offer, how we should change up the space, even who we should hire for staff positions.  We're currently re-thinking how the group functions and when it meets and all that, but our fall kickoff is Monday, September 27.  If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, get in touch: canvas651@gmail.com.