What is the Canvas?

 The Canvas is an arts-based teen center located inside the Hancock Rec Center in Saint Paul, MN.  Organized over two years by the Saint Paul Youth Commission, the space is thought of, inspired by, and created for youth.  Featuring a dance studio, art room, performance stage, lounge and more, the Canvas serves young artists of all styles and disciplines.

We offer workshops, classes, special events, materials and support for teen artists, as well as an open space to just hang out and create, all for free.  Over the past few months, we've had workshops on rapping, photography, breakdancing, video-production, fiction-writing, spoken-word poetry and much more, all facilitated by some top artist mentors.

Basically, if you're between 7th and 12th grade and you love art of any kind-- dancing, drawing, writing, rapping, whatever-- the Canvas is a pretty incredible opportunity to get free feedback, work on your craft and just have a lot of fun.  If you like a form of art and we don't offer a workshop for it, get involved with our teen leadership council and change that.

Big thanks to Saint Paul Parks and Recreation, COMPAS, the Saint Paul Foundation, the Second Shift Youth Commission, the Hamline-Midway Coalition and all of our partners and allies.

Contact us at canvas651@gmail.com, or stop in Monday-Thursday between 3:30 and 8pm.

The Canvas is located at 1610 Hubbard Ave. in Saint Paul, just across Snelling Ave. from Hamline University.  Take the 84 or 67 bus to get there.

This activity is made possible in part by a grant provided by the Minnesota State Arts Board, through an appropriation by the Minnesota State Legislature from the Minnesota arts and cultural heritage fund with money from the vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008. Additional support is provided by the Saint Paul Foundation.

Saint Paul Parks and Recreation's Adaptive Recreation team provides opportunities for individuals with disabilities to become integrated into programs that are available to the general public. The Adaptive Recreation Program strives to provide its participants with skills needed to successfully participate in community-based recreation programs and encourages them to pursue available opportunities. Contact Canvas staff for more information or to request accommodations in our programs.