Friday, May 13, 2011

Summer Programs: Teens Taking Action & Thursday Night Live!

This summer, the Canvas will be offering two powerful, unique programs each and every Thursday evening. First, we'll be bringing back TEENS TAKING ACTION, a series filled with workshops and discussions (and food!) investigating the intersection of community, social justice and the arts, starting each Thursday at 4pm. Then at 6pm, we'll be kicking off our THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE series, a weekly event focused on showcasing talent, loving the arts and just having fun. From poetry slams to concerts to dance battles and more, these programs will all be FREE.

June 9
5:30pm: EXCO Listening Session and Screen-Printing Workshop (food provided!)

June 16
4pm: Real Talk : An open discussion about hip hop, LGBTQ rights, identity and how communities can work together.
6pm: Hip Hop Against Homophobia Concert featuring Heidi Barton Stink, Zac HB, i.ONE and West Side Teen Power!

June 21 (Tuesday):
3pm: "I Wish" mural creation.  Come help create a living, growing mural.

June 23
4pm: Community Organizing 101 workshop: Learn about and brainstorm effective strategies for making a difference in your community.
6pm: Speak.Justice Teen Poetry Slam: bring two social justice-oriented poems and go head-to-head with other teen poets for a chance to win some prizes.

June 30
4pm: Writing for Change workshop: 2-time National Poetry Slam champion Guante will lead this interactive writing workshop looking at how we can talk about the issues that are important to us in an engaging way.
6pm: Speak On It! Teen Open Mic: The Canvas’ monthly teen open mic. For poets, rappers, singers or anyone with something to say.

July 7
4pm: Theater of the Oppressed Workshop: This interactive workshop examines social justice issues through movement, role-playing and more.
6pm: Theater Performance: Details TBA.

July 14
4pm: Canvas Quarter Carnival
Dusk: Movies in the Park: Despicable Me: Come and build community by watching a funny movie outside; starts at dusk.

July 21
4pm: Women in Hip Hop workshop: This interactive discussion will examine how women have shaped hip hop’s history and play important roles today as well.
6pm: Canvas B-Boy/B-Girl Workshop and Open Jam: Call up your crew, practice your moves and meet up in the gym for a teen b-boy/b-girl showcase; will also include a workshop for beginners!

July 28
4pm: Community Organizing Workshop: Next Steps: Come and learn about what teens in other cities have accomplished by working together and standing up for something.
6pm: Speak On It! Teen Open Mic: The Canvas’ monthly teen open mic. For poets, rappers, singers or anyone with something to say.

August 4
4pm: Screen-Printing Workshop: Make your own t-shirts or signs using the versatile and fun art of screen-printing.
6pm: Teen Rock Concert: ROOOOOCK. Bands TBA.

August 11
5pm: Community Celebration: a free festival of food, art and resources and a rock-climbing wall.

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