Monday, September 17, 2012

CYLC Applicant Day

We are looking for 12 teenagers (grades 7–12) to be a part of CYLC for the coming school year.

Help decide what workshops we offer and what kinds of events we have. Meet other young people from all over St. Paul, make art, and work with professional artists…and get paid to do it!

CYLC looks great on a college application, makes a difference in the community and is lots of fun! Involvement includes weekly meeting to plan Canvas events and workshops, learning new arts skills through classes and trainings, strengthening leadership skills, expanding your personal network and meeting professional artists.

Join us for the CYLC Applicant Day at the Canvas on Thursday, Sept. 27 from 4-5:30 pm!

RSVPs are appreciated - RSVP by clicking on "join" on the Facebook event or email your name, age, school, phone number, and email to

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